Monday, 5 October 2015


Darkroom health and safety

To use the darkroom first you need to know about the health and safety regulations.

1.    No bags allowed this is because if anybody puts a bag down on the floor that is a health and safety hazard as somebody could trip and fall.
2.    The darkroom is pitch black so the photographic paper doesn’t get ruined so no phones allowed as one tiny spec of light could ruin the photographic paper.
3.    Make sure the photographic paper goes into the developer shiny side down because if not sometimes it can clog the machine.
4.    Make sure you are always focused in the darkroom because if you’re not paying attention you could trip this could be a health and safety hazard.

How to use the enlarger
To use the enlarger first you will need to put the negative carrier into the enlarger. You need to make sure that you have put the negative carrier in the enlarger before you turn the enlarger on because the negative carrier controls the amount of light that comes from the enlarger. When you have turned the enlarger on you need to change the colour dials on the front of the enlarger, these colours are magenta and yellow. Yellow needs to be at 0 and magenta at the highest that is 170. The rotary dial needs to be turned all the way to the left and then two clicks right, after this you can turn your enlarger on. Then you adjust the height of the enlarger head depending on the size of paper you are using. To set the timer up all you need to do is set the number of seconds that you want the light to be on for, you can change the number by simply clicking the up/ down button.

After following these steps your enlarger should be set up and ready to use.

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